Home Twin Zygosity DNA Testing $145
Need Twin Zygosity Testing? Buy Your Twin DNA Test From PaternityUSA.com!
Quality At Home Twin Zygosity DNA Testing

Twin DNA testing determines whether siblings are fraternal twins or identical twins. A twin zygosity DNA test may be used solely for personal curiosity or in some cases it can be used to help solve any health problems the twins may encounter later down the road in life. A perfect example, if one of the twins needs an organ or tissue transplant donor, the identical twin is very often the most perfect match. Sometimes twins just do not know if they are in fact identical or fraternal. This test will tell you precisely.
About Twin DNA Testing
Identical twins are formed from one fertilized egg. In early development, this fertilized egg, called a zygote, which usually develops into one individual child, splits to form two identical embryos. Because the twins both come from the same one egg and the same one sperm, they have the same DNA.
Fraternal twins however, develop from two different eggs fertilized by two individual sperm cells. Fraternal twins do not have exactly the same DNA, although they share some of the DNA, which they inherit from both parents. In some rare cases, fraternal twins may actually have different fathers.
Sometimes, before birth the doctor may be able to tell whether the conceived twins are identical or fraternal through an ultrasound examination. Or, determine this when the twins are born by doing an examination of the placenta.
These methods are not 100% accurate, however. Additionally, medical records regarding zygosity get lost, or doubts arise due to physical characteristics. Scientists recommend twin DNA testing to determine the zygosity of twins if the question lingers. In such cases, only by performing a twin DNA testing will you be able to reveal the truth regarding zygosity. A twin zygosity DNA test compares the twins’ DNA profiles to see whether they match—an exact match proves that the twins are identical while anything other than an exact match indicates the twins are fraternal.
With PaternityUSA.com you can purchase the best quality DNA test in the industry at the cheapest prices. Our lab is the largest and most trusted name in DNA testing through-out the USA and even the world. All of our DNA tests are performed by top-notch geneticists using proven scientific methods and state of the art equipment in our AABB accredited laboratory. Our service is simply unparalleled and our prices are very affordable. You can rest assured your DNA samples are secure and your results will be accurate. With today’s technology and affordable pricing on relationship testing, there is no longer a need to go without knowing the truth about a biological relationship.
Our twin DNA testing package is complete with testing kit, DNA analysis and test results. Some companies advertise that you can make your own collection kit by using your own Q-tips®. However, we do not recommend this practice. There is a risk of multiple DNA samples being found on Q-tips® that are not sterile, or that may be handled by more than one person. For this reason, we rush you a DNA testing collection kit containing sterile buccal swabs to you at no charge. We also include a prepaid mailer to send samples back into lab.
We Look Forward To Serving You!
Ordering Easy As 1 2 3
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Place order online on our secure shopping cart with credit card or PayPal. DNA test kit is delivered right to you.