Minnesota Legal DNA Testing Laws & Statutes
Minnesota Legal DNA Paternity Testing To Change Name On Birth Certificate
Minnesota Birth Certificate Vital Statistic Information:
If you need to obtain a copy of your child's Minnesota birth certificate, or want to change your child's name, buy the needed Minnesota legal DNA paternity testing kit to prove your relationship, and then contact the office of vital statistics for Minnesota (MN)
Minnesota (MI) Vital Records
Minnesota Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
Minnesota (MI) Vital Statistic Application
Phone (651) 201-5970
Minnesota Legal Paternity DNA Testing Laws & Statutes:
Need court approved legal DNA testing for Paternity, Siblings, Grandparent, Avuncular Aunt/Uncle, and/or USCIS immigration DNA Testing in your city & state? We offer AABB Accredited Legal DNA Tests for USCIS Immigration Visa, CRBA, Child Support Enforcement, estate planning, Social Security Benefits, or any other legal purpose which requires an AABB accredited DNA test. You may also use our Minnesota legal DNA paternity testing kits to change names on a birth certificate with your local vital statistics office. The important legal DNA statutes information below will help you to learn more about the Minnesota Legal DNA paternity testing laws in your state.
According to the Laws of Minnesota and paternity statute 257.62
Subdivision 1.Blood or genetic tests required.
(a) The court or public authority may, and upon request of a party shall, require the child, mother, or alleged father to submit to blood or genetic tests. A mother or alleged father requesting the tests shall file with the court an affidavit either alleging or denying paternity and setting forth facts that establish the reasonable possibility that there was, or was not, the requisite sexual contact between the parties.
(b) A copy of the test results must be served on each party by first class mail to the party's last known address. Any objection to the results of blood or genetic tests must be made in writing no later than 30 days after service of the results. Test results served upon a party must include notice of this right to object.
(c) If the alleged father is dead, the court may, and upon request of a party shall, require the decedent's parents or brothers and sisters or both to submit to blood or genetic tests. However, in a case involving these relatives of an alleged father, who is deceased, the court may refuse to order blood or genetic tests if the court makes an express finding that submitting to the tests presents a danger to the health of one or more of these relatives that outweighs the child's interest in having the tests performed. Unless the person gives consent to the use, the results of any blood or genetic tests of the decedent's parents, brothers, or sisters may be used only to establish the right of the child to public assistance including but not limited to Social Security and veterans' benefits. The tests shall be performed by a qualified expert appointed by the court.
Subd. 2.Additional testing.
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a party wanting additional testing must first contest the original tests in subdivision 1, paragraph (b), and must pay in advance for the additional testing. The additional DNA paternity testing must be performed by another qualified expert. [More]
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Place order online on our secure shopping cart with credit card or PayPal. DNA test kit is delivered overnight.